Pierre Braillard

Architecte, Fondateur de la Fondation Braillard Architectes – (1911-2009)

Born in 1911, died in 2009.

Architect, Delegate Architect of the State Council (1962-1965), Founder of the Braillard Architects Foundation.
Eldest son of Maurice, Pierre Braillard practiced the profession of architect in Geneva from 1927 to 1983. He worked in his father’s office until he left for Berlin where he stayed for over a year. In 1933 he returned to Geneva to maage his father’s office; the latter had become State Councilor, a post to which he devoted most of his time. He worked with his father until the 1960s and with his brother Charles until 1976, after which he continued his activities alone. The evolution of the economic situation and the real estate context in which Pierre Braillard’s activity is evolving favours important achievements, in particular in the fields of banks, retail and insurance companies. He was Delegate Architect of the State Council from 1962 to 1965. Among his achievements are: bank and administration buildings such as Pax Assurances (in collaboration with Prof. Dunkel, 1957), Discount and Trust Bank (1965), Zurich Assurances (1968), Headquarters the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, 1974-78), the Paribas Bank (1982), the La Placette department store (1967-68, currently Manor), buildings and housing complexes such as that of the rue des Eaux-Vives 11-13 (1948), the 9 apartment buildings at rue du Grand-Pré 24 to 40 (1949) and the 8 apartment buildings at rue des Délices and rue de l’Encyclopédie (1952- 54).

His works


Immeuble de la rue de Contamines

1-3 rue de Contamines Maurice Braillard et Pierre Braillard Immeuble d’habitation, réalisé 1947 – 1948 N° d’archives : 362 Programme: immeuble de logement de standing Localisation: 1-3 rue de Contamines, Genève... LIRE PLUS

Ensemble résidentiel des rues des Délices et de l’Encyclopédie

Ensemble résidentiel des rues des Délices et de l’Encyclopédie Maurice et Pierre Braillard Immeubles d’habitation, Réalisés 1949 – 1954 N° d’archives : 369 et 370 Programme: logements coopératifs Localisation: 2-12 rue... LIRE PLUS

PAX Assurances Genève

PAX Assurances Genève Pierre Braillard, William Dunkel Pax assurances 1955 – 1959 Réalisée, transformé N° d’archive : 487   Programme: centre administratif, commerce Localisation: 38-40 rue du Rhône, Genève Association: Prof.... LIRE PLUS
1958 - 1960

Le Bâtiment Georg Bodenhausen 1

Bâtiment Georg Bodenhausen I (anciennement BIRPI) 1958 – 1960 Réalisée N° d’archive: 540 Programme : immeuble de bureaux Localisation : 32 chemin des Colombettes, Genève Maître d’ouvrage : BIRPI En... LIRE PLUS

Zurich Assurances

Zurich Assurances Pierre Braillard Zurick Assurances 1966-1970, réalisé N° d’archives: 530 Programme: centre administratif, commerces Localisation: Quai du Général-Guisan; rue Céard; 35 rue du Rhône; place du Lac. Années: 1966-1970... LIRE PLUS
1974 - 1978


LE TOUR BRAILLARD SUR L’OMPI   Tour Arpad Bogsch (OMPI)   1970-1978 Réalisée N° d’archive: 540 et 596 Programme : immeuble de bureaux, salle de conférence Localisation : Genève Collaboration... LIRE PLUS
1976 - 1980

La Banque Paribas

Banque Paribas   1976-1980 Réalisée N° d’archive: 605 Programme : immeuble de bureau, restaurant Localisation : 2 place de Hollande,Genève Maître d’ouvrage : Banque Paribas   La conception de l’immeuble... LIRE PLUS