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Works resulting from the Bernardo Secchi Days

20 September 2019, 00:00 - 07 January 2020, 00:00

Racines modernes de la ville contemporaine (Modern tools of the contemporary city)

Book resulting from the Bernardo Secchi study day 2018.
30 November 2018, 14:37

Urbanism of hope: projecting horizons of expectation

Publication on October 5th, 2018.   Resulting from the Bernardo Secchi day 2017, this book aims to redefine the role played by the project – project of cities and territories... LIRE PLUS
01 October 2017, 17:56

Urban inequalities: From the utopian project to sustainable development

Presentation   Work published following the Bernardo Secchi Day 2016 Today, there is no guarantee that human societies can evolve sustainably. Insofar as this project represents our only possible collective... LIRE PLUS
15 November 2016, 17:55

The soil of cities. Resource and project

Presentation   Work published resulting from the Bernardo Secchi Day 2015 The ground has remained long buried during the construction of cities. Lost among the foundations of our infrastructures, under... LIRE PLUS

Works on the Braillard architects

01 August 2007

“Pierre Braillard, un demi-siècle d’architecture”

Pierre Braillard Half a century of architecture in Geneva Pierre Braillard, Pierre Braillard Editions, Monaco, 2007 Book retracing the years of profession from 1932 to 1982. 425 pages. Available in... LIRE PLUS
20 June 2003, 00:00

Maurice Braillard and his planners

Challenge of the new Geneva, peremptory and timeless, the Master plan of 1935 brings together four urban planners: Maurice Braillard, head of the Department of Public Works, Albert Bodmer, Hans... LIRE PLUS
01 January 1997, 00:00

L’industriel, l’architecte et le phalanstère

By 1914, the physical and social space of the city of Ugine in the Savoie department was disrupted by the construction of electric steelmaking plants. In order to attract and... LIRE PLUS
01 January 1993

“Maurice Braillard, pionnier suisse de l’architecture moderne”

Maurice Braillard Swiss Pioneer of Modern Architecture Ursula Paravicini and Pascal Amphoux, Braillard Architects Foundation, 1993 Book published for the exhibition “Maurice Braillard, pionnier suisse de l’architecture moderne” presented at... LIRE PLUS
01 July 1991

“Maurice Braillard, architecte & urbaniste”

Maurice Braillard Architect & urban planner Marina Massaglia Aït-Ahmed, Braillard Architects Foundation, Georg Éditeur, 1991 First monograph on Maurice Braillard. Available in French and German from the Foundation. Shop


Maurice Braillard and the Salève cable car – Poster

A1 poster format (594×841 mm) Limited edition on Conqueror Laid paper 160 gr.