Publication on October 5th, 2018.
Resulting from the Bernardo Secchi day 2017, this book aims to redefine the role played by the project – project of cities and territories – within the social construction of hope.
It aims to redefine the role played by the project – project of cities and territories – within the social construction of hope. The disciplines of space transformation have always contributed to the development of worldviews and shared value systems. Their participation in building hope is however called into question today, mainly because of their difficulty in being part of a convincing collective narrative about the future.
The contributions compiled in this book aim to identify the theoretical and practical conditions necessary for the creation of an urbanism of hope: grasp the socio-economic configurations of the territory outside the dominant theories; review the territory like a palimpsest, considering its historical depth and its evolutionary potential; favour the descriptive and qualitative approach to tackle – from the angle of climatic and energy-related challenges – issues as crucial as soil regeneration, landscaped structures, buildings or forms designed for industrial and agricultural production. A paradoxical posture must be assumed to revive the indissoluble link between project and hope established by modernity, while reversing its foundations.
Texts by Ch. Arnsperger, J. Attali, D. Bourg, G. Garofoli, G. Leloutre, P. Mantziaras, S. Marot, B. Patterson, A.-M. Perysinaki, M. Skonsberg, S. Vanbutsele, E. Verrechia, A. Vialle and P. Viganò.