Heritage and architecture – Rooftops and shelter

23 December 2019, 00:00   —  
The Eco-Century Project®
— Exhibitions
— Publications

Held from March 20th to October 31st, 2019 under the auspices of the Berges de Vessy Association, the exhibition “Under the same roof ” gave the opportunity to the Heritage and Sites Office and Braillard Architects Foundation to join forces to produce this special issue of the Heritage and Architecture issue devoted to rooftops and shelter. The diversity of their areas of interest made it possible to interview some fifteen specialists and identify three themes: the history of the rooftops and shelter, their restoration and the contemporary vision of the fifth facade. The multiplicity of these focus angles offers an eclectic notebook with an extremely dense and rich content.

With the participation of: Antonio Hodgers, Robert Cramer, Anne de Weck, Isabelle Brunier, Isabelle Roland, David Ripoll, Bénédict Frommel, Jürg Goll, Pierre Tourvieille de Labrouhe, François Moser*, Michèle Grote, Dominique Cerutti*, Jean-Michel Meyroux et Yoann Craffe*, Marcellin Barthassat, Jean-Pierre Decorzent, Fransesco Della Casa, Diane Henny and Panos Mantziaras.

* Interview by Paul Marti.

Heritage and Architecture is a publication of the Heritage and Sites Office (State of Geneva, Department of Territory), inaugurated in 1996, which is aimed at professionals and amateurs of architectural heritage. The issues are devoted to conference sessions, they present monuments or emblematic sites, or focus on developing themes. The twenty-four notebooks and the five special works published to date cover both urban complexes, places of worship, water mills, historic gardens, as well as philanthropy, heritage policy, issues of conservation and catering trades. In addition, an “archeology series” – dedicated specifically to current events in this field – was launched in 2013.


Rooftops and shelter

Heritage and Sites Office – Republic and Canton of Geneva

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