Panos Mantziaras



Graduate of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), with a Master’s Degree in architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and a Doctorate in urban planning from the University Paris 8, Panos Mantziaras taught at the Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Malaquais, Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand and La Villette. He has given numerous conferences in Europe, the USA, Canada and Japan.

He has been Head of the Bureau for Architectural, Urban and Landscape Research at the French Ministry of Culture and Communication since 2011. There, he was in charge of orienting the research themes and methods in the forty laboratories for architecture distributed in the twenty French National Schools of Architecture.

He is the initiator of incentive research programs such as Ignis Mutat Res: architecture, the city and the landscape through the prism of energy (2011-2015) and La grande ville 24 heures chrono (2012-2013), which highlighted issues of energy and resource management by and for the disciplines of space transformation: architecture, urban planning, landscape.

Main publications

  • “Rationalism versus Romanticism”, Utopica no. 2, 1987.
  • “Un nouvel emplacement pour le Musée de l’Acropole”, Teuchos no. 2, 1989.
  • “Théorie et enseignement. Le projet d’architecture à l’Institut Berlage”, Bulletin des Architectes Grecs, vol. 5, 1992.
  • “Pikionis: Archaic modernity?”, Quaderns, no. 198, 01-02/1993.
  • “L’architecture de l’infrastructure”, Architecture in Greece, no. 32, 1998.
  • “Contemplating the Flows”, Quaderns, no. 213, 04/1997.
  • Essay in Ville-Cité: des patrimoines européens, Yannis Tsiomis (under the direction of), Picard, Paris, 1998.
  • “Epistemologische Betrachtungen über die Theorien der aufgelösten Stadt”, Das Spannungsfeld Stadt-Umland, Sautter & Lackmann, Hamburg, 1998
  • “Dalle Italie. Détournement et subversion par l’usage”, AMC, February 2001, pp. 65-71 (with Y. Dubalen and J.-L. Violeau).
  • “Rudolf Schwarz et l’aménagement du territoire. Des principes topologiques pour une herméneutique de l’histoire”, Jocelyn Benoist and Fabio Merlini (under the direction of), Historicité et spatialité: Le problème de l’espace dans la pensée contemporaine, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, Paris, 2001, pp. 27- 54.
  • “Délocaliser l’espace”, Cahiers de la recherche architecturale et urbaine, no. 9-10, January 2002, pp. 185-190 (with Jocelyn Benoist).
  • “Projects for an Alternative Culture of the Earth. German Planning Experiments in the 20th Century”, Arquitectura, Ciudad e Ideología Antiurbana, Pamplona, Universidad de Navarra, 2002.
  • “Qu’est-ce que la forme ?”, Cahiers de la recherche architecturale et urbaine, no. 12, May 2002, pp. 11-24.
  • “Showing the way to technology: a pre-benjaminian discourse on the artifice and its reproductibility”, Thresholds, The MIT Architecture Review, June 2002.
  • “Rudolf Schwarz and the concept of Stadtlandschaft”, Planning Perspectives, no. 18, 2003, pp. 147- 176
  • “La ville-paysage : Rudolf Schwarz et la dissolution des villes”, MétisPresses, Geneva, 2008.