Call for projects | Transition Seeds

16 May 2024, 10:00 - 29 September 2024, 00:00   —  
The Eco-Century Project®
— Conferences

Draw the ecological transition through the architectural, urban and landscape project.
Take part in the call for diploma and first work projects from the Fondation Braillard Architectes!


The Transition Seeds conference series returns for the fifth consecutive year: the Fondation Braillard Architectes launches the annual call for diploma projects or first works in architecture, landscape and urban planning whose approach, strategy and designed proposals are are part of its culture and research program The Eco-Century Project (ECP).

We call on young graduates and young professionals who want to share their work with our audience in Switzerland and internationally.



The three main axes of the Eco-Century Project are: Sustainable Utopias, Emergencies and Existenzoptimum.
Visit our website for more information on these topics.



  • The work submitted (a single project) can be individual or the product of a team.
  • The work must be accepted and definitively validated by the affiliation institution.
  • The work must mainly contain drawings and models, possibly texts and calculations.

The Foundation will proceed, with the assistance of the scientific committee of the ECP program, to the assessment of the applications, 10 of which will be selected to constitute the conference program for the 2025 season. The results will be announced to the candidates by email in October.

The conferences will be organized exclusively online, in French or English, in the period from January to May 2024. Each diploma or project presentation will be commented on by a respondent designated jointly by the FBA and the the candidate.

A public discussion will close the session, moderated by the director of the Foundation. Selected candidates will be accompanied by the experienced FBA team to put together their presentation.


Content of the application file

  • Administrative information (school/faculty, degree direction, research laboratory if applicable), or proof of professional practice.
  • Individual or team member CVs.
  • The PDF of your presentation, composed of texts and images.
  • A cover letter presenting the graduate(s) and the project, of two pages maximum.


Deadline for project submission: September 29, 2024, midnight to:



As a reward, the winning teams will receive an access ticket to the complete Transition Workshop 2025 training, with a total value of CHF 5,000 per person.



For more information, please write to:


Session info

Date to come