Design the transition, now! #1

Pandemic and transition: a logical development?
26 March 2020, 17:00 - 19:00   —  
The Eco-Century Project®
— Round tables
— Conferences

Video debate:

In these times of great change and as part of the Design the Transition series, the Braillard Architects Foundation, Metrolab.Brussels and LASUR/EPFL invite you to an exceptional discussion session to open up the ecological and resilient horizon of our societies.

  • How to interpret the current unprecedented situation through the prism of the ecological crisis?
  • What is to be learned about the state and fate of our urban lives?
  • What are the indicators of resilience and conflicts of interest, where to place the cursor on common good?
  • What is to be left behind, what logics need to be confronted or consolidated, what principles to embrace and what tools to manufacture?



Dominique BOURG, philosopher, professor – Institute of Geography and Sustainability, Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, University of Lausanne.

Fabio MERLINI, Director of the Federal University Institute for Vocational Training for Italian Switzerland, president of the Eranos foundation, Ascona.

Paola VIGANÒ, Architect-urban planner, professor, director of the Habitat Research Center EPFL.

Edwin ZACCAÏ, Professor, Institute for Environmental Management and Land-Use Planning (IGEAT), Free University of Brussels.



Panos MANTZIARAS, Braillard Architects Foundation



Bernard DECLEVE, professor, Catholic University of Louvain
Roselyne de LESTRANGE, researcher, Metrolab Brussels
Vincent KAUFMANN, professor, ENAC/EPFL
Luca PATTARONI, Laboratory of sociology, EPFL



The Transition Forum:

Following this video debate, a forum was created in order to continue the discussion and answer the guests’ many questions.

Go to the Forum