Urban inequalities: From the utopian project to sustainable development

MétisPresses, 2017
01 October 2017, 17:56   —  
The Eco-Century Project®
— Study days
— Publications



Work published following the Bernardo Secchi Day 2016

Today, there is no guarantee that human societies can evolve sustainably. Insofar as this project represents our only possible collective horizon, it will be both the cause and the result of a drastic change in our lifestyles which will not succeed without everyone’s voluntary support. As Bernardo Secchi has argued on various occasions, responding to this ecological imperative requires above all to fight against urban inequalities and to implement a real policy of right to the city.

This book broadens further the reflection and opens up theoretical perspectives for city projects whose spatial challenges promote a universal sustainable society. Through the analysis of several concrete cases, Inégalités urbaines covers an architectural and urban thought that combines social strategies, the question of risks and city policy.




David Ames, Thierry Apothéloz, Amélie Artis, Marko Bandler, Marcellin Barthassat, Rémi Baudouï, Michel Buergisser, Aysegül Cankat, Lucia Capanema Álvares, Marielly Casanova, Sabine Chardonnet Darmaillacq, Elena Cogato Lanza, Alessandro Coppola, Arlette Hérat, Shin Alexandre Koseki, Collectif Learning From, Panos Mantziaras, Isabelle Milbert, Dario Negueruela Del Castillo, Gilles Novarina, Susan Parham, Cassia Rodrigues Da Silva, Robert Sadleir, Stéphane Sadoux, Roberto Sega, Paola Viganò, Marwan Zouein.

Prix: 28 CHF
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