Geneva Seminar 2023
Grand-Saconnex – Meyrin – Vernier
New development dynamics for the south facade of Geneva airport
What ambitions for our cities in the face of the ecological challenge?
Fondation Braillard Architectes
9am – 7pm
This summer was the hottest and among the most destructive in modern records. Climate disruption is proving to be the major challenge for our societies, our cities and our territories, whose ecological transition strategies still remain in their infancy, controversial and timid.
We now know that we must make our living spaces both decarbonized and resilient, welcoming to life and equitable. And we know what measures to take: end of fossil fuels, biosourced materials, short circuits, healthy eating, solidarity between generations and populations.
But, with what means and what speeds? What is the role of each actor, each citizen and each professional?
What project, management and monitoring tools should be deployed? What are the scales of relevance and perimeters of legitimacy?
The Geneva 2023 Seminar contributes to the progress of these issues with the public discussion of the results of the Transition Workshop 2024, carried out in collaboration with the Canton of Geneva, the University of Geneva, EPFL and other public and private partners.
The innovative production of young professionals for the future of the southern front of the airport will be at the center of the exchange to which the Geneva public is cordially invited.
We look forward to seeing you at the Fondation Braillard Architectes on Thursday, November 23! If it is not possible for you to be present, join us by videoconference.
9:00 a.m. | INTRODUCTION
- Panos Mantziaras, Director of the Braillard Architectes Foundation
- Sylvain Ferretti, Director General of the Town Planning Office, State of Geneva
9:20 a.m. | KEYNOTE 1
Ecological densities – Panos Mantziaras
10:05 a.m. | Lifestyles: Villa(GE), life differently
Our daily choices and rhythms determine our living environment – or is it the opposite? With a freshness
conceptual based on respect for the population, the team provides a striking demonstration of the maturation potential of urban areas.
- Claire Paccolat
- Julien Dévaud
- Simon Wermelinger
Discussion: Sonia Lavadinho, Founding Director Bfluid
11:20 a.m. | The living: (Dis)continuities
The city is an ecological infrastructure that seems to have forgotten the multiplicity of life. It’s this dimension
plural of the urban that the team revives, in a project which elegantly recalls how our priorities should
be reviewed.
- Leo Diehl-Carboni
- Justine Rosset
- Dan Reidy
Discussion: René Longet, sustainable development expert
2:00 p.m. | Climate: Learning from Geneva
How can architectural and urban figures condition climatic ambiances, within
new ecological densities? By solving the problem of heat islands with cooling corridors, the team succeeded in reinventing the metropolitan landscape.
- Gaspard Basnier
- Zohreh Shafi
- Kelissa Cartier
Discussion: Alexandre Hedjazi, Institute of Environmental Sciences – UNIGE
3:20 p.m. | Resources: Make resources invisible, visible
The city is a mine of materials, energy and ideas. The team captures this wealth and transforms it into a source
of inspiration for an evolutionary scenario that is both technically plausible, humanly desirable and formally
- Lawan-Kila Toe
- Bastien Röthlisberger
- Daniela Lopes Penaloza
Discussion: Camille Gilloots, Sustainability Skills Center – UNIL
4:35 p.m. | KEYNOTE 2
The recycled city – Corentin Fivet, Professor of architecture and structural design – EPFL
6:00 p.m. | Dinner and musical aperitif